In case you’re wondering, the correct response was:
I’m sorry. My country is overrun with fascists and Nazis and I’m horrified by the threats to your nation’s sovereignty that manchild of a president is making. He does not speak for me, and I appreciate that you would decide not to spend money in a country that’s actively threatening your family.
You know, for the next time you feel the urge to defend a government that demonstrably doesn’t care about you or anyone else.
I’ve stopped buying from Steam on account of their country threatening to annex mine. GOG is looking good though.
What brand is your phone ? Computer ? Underwear ?
In case you’re wondering, the correct response was:
You know, for the next time you feel the urge to defend a government that demonstrably doesn’t care about you or anyone else.
If you already have these things, you make no stance by throwing them away.
It’s never too late to start change.
Great, whataboutism. Your argument is stupid. Get a better one.