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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s very funny you say MOV and HEIC are proprietary and then list MP4 considering

    • HEIC is just H.265, the video codec, used to encode images
    • H.264, the codec used for most mp4 files has the same license as H.265 with patent bullshit license fees going on
    • MP4 container is pretty similar to MOV, and is also not an open standard
    • this also means MOV and MP4 can be losslessly converted
    • Apple provides documentation for MOV format free of charge while ISO really wants you to pay to get official standard PDF
    • All this doesn’t matter anyway because ffmpeg can decode everything (though I guess it might matter in bizarro land where software patents are a thing)

    Also Android can totally read at least HEIC images. Not sure about MOV. Any of this is also not related to the problem the OP has.

  • They all should, they’re relatively recent phones and at least one of them I’ve sent MMS images to and the other one is on the same carrier as me.

    Maybe group chats is just something carriers in Germany don’t support. Nobody in their right mind here sends MMS anyway, it still costs 36 cents or so to send one, for me at least. Pretty much a straight up scam.

  • Rewriting huge parts of the IDL compiler for Nucom, my implementation of Microsoft’s COM binary interface standard and (in the future) network protocol. The original version was hacked together with a lot of assumptions made in the parser and isn’t very extensible, and I do need to extend it now.

    (Nucom is another way to have a stable ABI for Rust, e.g. for a plugin interface, and for Rust/C++ (and more OOP-style C) interop, based on objects with vtable pointers. And hopefully sometime in the future, transparent IPC and networking so you don’t have to load plugins into your process’s memory space if they don’t need to be there, with it working the same as if it were direct calls. All of this I assume you can already do on Windows with the windows-rs crate but it’s obviously Windows-only.)

    I do have to say though, I need a better way of transforming my syntax tree. Right now I’m just copying the struct definitions over and over for each compile stage and manually writing code to copy everything instead of just the parts I’m actually transforming, and it just seems like there has to be a better way. I might want another proc macro for this.