What dinosaurs of a computer are you using?
What dinosaurs of a computer are you using?
Dude watch ascii converted videos in terminal
Host a Lemmy server
So HDR make picture brighter? I thought it make color more vibrant that’s why I thought it’s useless on OLED XD
Is HDR useless on OLED?
Vanilla Debian is very stable, it can keep running for years without a reboot, I can’t say if it fixes your USB problem tho
Yes I use the appimage package, I don’t have any issue with it on Wayland, or you can get it on the AUR, you might need to follow this procedure and wait a minute for Cura to detect the USB
You can get it on their official website
Yep as an IdeaPad user, I can confirm that this is very true
Not surprising considering how well Linux support on Thinkpad laptop are.
At the time my main goal is to have to all of my games working, while I can make it run on every distro I tried, I found Vanilla Arch is the better one in terms of performance and ease of use (yeah call me weird for saying Arch is easier to use than other distros XD), so I keep using it ever since.
I make a promise to myself that I never install anything outside of the AUR, luckily everything I ever need already available there
I’m guessing you’re on Nvidia system?, I never had a program glitching or crashing on me ever since I make the switch (I exclusively use Wayland and never touch X11 once), maybe a laptop specific issue just like I can’t get my fingerprint sensor to work on my machine, but luckily it’s not a deal breaker for me
That’s fine, I can look up the Arch Wiki for solutions, which is also a learning process for me and if it still doesn’t work, I can just duct tape the workaround myself XD
Fully customised Hyprland use half as much ram as Plasma, but I still prefer Plasma because I can’t get used to WM