Haven’t come out to him yet but you were ready to come out to the whole internet ? I don’t want to shame you but man come on grow some balls 😉
Haven’t come out to him yet but you were ready to come out to the whole internet ? I don’t want to shame you but man come on grow some balls 😉
Doesn’t seem anything is even starting… This is… let’s call it the back up plan and it going so great it might end up being the plan A
Yeah go ahead and convince them , I have never even met in real life someone that slightly agrees not even to a big armed revolution but at the fact that there is something terribly wrong in this country 😏
I hope people would wake up in time
Hell no I Wana see that … People finally taking serious actions against it when its way too late … There’s nothing better then seeing rich people trying to buy stuff that can’t be bought… And finally dying full of regrets knowing it was their and theyr families fault.
I don’t … Yeh I will explain it further… Later. now I have to keep scrolling never found the end yet …
Make sure the uuid matches the uuid of the home partition you want, you can list uuids with blkid I think, big noob here too I just spent my last week trying to figure out why it wouldnt mount my boot partition and the problem was the UUID…
We have a lot here in Italy and it’s still a hard choice
Yah believe me if you had 6 or 8 you will still be voting for the lesser of two evils and you will spend your days trying to understand the differences…
It’s so curious I bet thers one in each language we have a similar one in Italy it says
“puoi scrollarlo dalle alpi alle ande ma l ultima goccia va sempre nelle mutande”
It means you can shake it from the Alps to the Andes but the last drop always goes into the underwear
I used tooo … Now I have discovered that I can just shove it in the blow drier works better 😉
I think pot is weed crack is a salt
Yeah we could argue about having mankind at all …
I Guess we already have a couple of his passwords … Good job man, Sorry whats your name ?
I’m surviving without it … People just text me… never had one by choice so don’t know about addiction but as with everything is best to just quit it definitely… Make a post saying you deleting your account and change the password to some random characters … The social pressure of failing even to quit Instagram in front of everyone you know will definitely prevent any slip …
Yep, I’m sorry never thought of that