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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That’s a fair solution.

    I’ve just got remote devices syncing to my local server. From there Borg handles encrypted historical backups of that server which can be sent offline/offsite.

    I like borg because of its insane de-duplication and compression algorithms. I’ve currently got ~480GB of data being backed up, with 16 historical copies going back 6 months: that entire archive takes up 303GB of space currently. Without the de-duplication and compression that’s 7.76TB of data.

  • I used to use RDP from Android to my Windows 10 pc constantly. Since switching to Debian, I haven’t gotten around to getting that working again. (Debians out of the box RDP solution gives me a black screen on the remote device)

    Instead I’ve been using ssh a ton with JuiceSSH for a terminal. X-Plore for GUI managing files between local(android), ssh, gdrive, dropbox, and many more locations all in two tabs you can swap between and copy/paste/move files as if it’s all one big file system.

    Finally I use Folder Sync to keep all of the userdata files on my phone backed up to a folder on my server via SSH. Images are synced immediately on creation, and everything else is backed up on a schedule.

    (my phone’s always connected to a private VPN keeping it within my LAN and able to reach things like my SSH server, without exposing them to WAN)

    The only thing I really miss having RDP for is the occasional website that refuses to play with a mobile browser. Hotmail/Outlook (I know, I should really change to someone not trash for email) for example will not let you edit inbox rules via a mobile browser or their mobile app. (even with ‘request desktop site’ enabled). You have to use an actual desktop browser for that. :(

    Otherwise I do pretty much everything from mobile.

  • Last time I looked at the topic (several years ago in a now deleted reddit post); someone had posted info on the projector system.

    The media is delivered on a battery backed up rack-mount pc with proprietary connectors and a dozen anti-tamper switches in the case. If it detects meddling; it wipes itself. You’re not likely to grab a copy from there.

    As the other commenter mentioned; the projector and media are heavily protected with DRM, encrypting the stream all the way up to the projector itself. You can pull an audio feed off the sound board; but you’re stuck with a camera for video.

  • https://home.tdarr.io/

    I used to use the built in convert options in Emby server, but recently switched to Tdarr to manage all my conversions. It’s got far more control/configurablity to encode your files exactly how you’d like.

    It can also ‘health check’ files by transcoding them, but not saving the output; checking for errors during that process to ensure the file can actually be played through successfully. With 41k+ files to manage, that made it much easier to find and replace the dozen or so broken files I had, before I found them by trying to play them.

    Fore warning; this is a long and intensive process. Converting my entire library to HEVC using an RTX 2080 took me over 2 months non-stop. (not including health checks)

  • 4451 movies

    398 series / 36130 episodes

    Taking up 25.48tb after conversion to HEVC compressing it ~40%

    Every series is monitored for new episodes which download automatically; and there’s a dozen or so public IMDB lists being monitored for new movies from studios/categories I like. Anything added to the lists gets downloaded automatically.

    Then there’s Ombi gathering media requests from my friends/family to be passed to sonarr/radarr and downloaded.

    At this point, the library continuously grows on its own, and I have to do little more than just tell it what I want to watch.