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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • If you want to avoid squishing your junk, I recommend buying some elasticated boxers that are just a LITTLE bit tighter than you would buy for every day wear. Keep your business pulled in close and tight.

    As for avoiding workouts… theres a lot to unpack there. The short version is “You have the DNA you have” no amount of a “Bikini body” workout is going to give you tits or a BBL booty and any workout that mentions “Targeted fat loss” is bullshit. Situps do not burn belly fat. Workouts for bodybuilding and workouts for functional strength are different. Workouts for cardio and workouts for conditioning are different.

    But what might build a bunch of muscle and functional strength for a 60kg woman might only qualify as a warmup for me, programs written for women will likely be different because (THIS IS NOT SEXISM) men on average carry more muscle as a percentage and less fat. Workouts programmed for women tend to have more cardio and lower weight. Not to say that you couldnt do that workout and hit it with intensity and get results, but its likely to be suboptimal.

    If you’re interested in learning more about exercise science Dr Mike Isratel of Renaissance Periodization on YT has some fantastic and easy to digest videos (not exactly geared for beginners but theres some very quality insights if you find the right videos.) As well as James Smith, Dr Pak, Jeff Nippard and their associated friends.

  • Id say the one thing I kind of disagree with here is the emails. If I’m at my computer and the email says “Are you able to handle this 15 minute job for me by EOD?” I respond immediately “Yeah, I can fit that in.” and then go back to whatever it was I was doing and handle it later.

    If someone is asking me to do a big job I dont reply immediately and go do some prep work for the big job and email them an hour later. “Not a problem, Ill get on it ASAP.”

    If you respond and get tasks done immediately sometimes it makes them think you must be in the middle of something when you dont. When someone gives you a big task that will take 4 hours and they check in on you 3 hours after you reply to the email and you’re almost finished, it puffs up your ability.

    But in general I agree, responding to emails is a great tool for managing perceptions and expectations.