I’m not a real programmer. What does this means?
[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
I’m not a real programmer. What does this means?
I heavely assume it means Pan and Non-binary.
You’re saying that this could be some sort of Morris… Worm?
Could you explain why [it will]?
But by and large, we have more rights and are more prosperous than any other era of human history.
Wall-E Buy-N-Large hehe
With time and pratice you will get it right, I recommend starting by laying on the floor and then turning a bit more when you feel like it.
Eat your burget upside down.
Yeah, this is the correct term, thank you!
Thank you!
What does this means?
The correct term would be typeface ☝️🤓
You draw pretty well!