I give $2 for a pizza, $1-2 if I’m picking up to go. Usually I go 15-20% for standard service but rarely tip over $30 a server unless the meal was outstanding.
I give $2 for a pizza, $1-2 if I’m picking up to go. Usually I go 15-20% for standard service but rarely tip over $30 a server unless the meal was outstanding.
Look at this guy eating chicken caviar.
For perspective of others, I will spend $200 on quality shoes, $100 on a good belt, $400 on a kitchen appliance. I tend to shop a bit, both for quality and then price. It helps that the kids are older and don’t break as much any more.
As I’ve started growing my wealth I’m able to buy quality things that last, and it’s led to the bizarre feeling that on black friday, I don’t need any of the door buster deals. You’ve probably heard of the Vimes boot theory of wealth, and I’ve seen it play out over time. I even re-sole good boots now.
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.
I love to turn on the 24-hr adult swim of venture bros and just drop into an episode.
Well stop spec’ing $30k lights when it come from the same factory as the $500 light. 🙂
Electrical contractor, I’m actually posting from an attic right now. If you’re in a blue state and young, I strongly recommend you look into the field.
I did not come here to make this comment, but I upvotes it for its sentiment.
Does your school allow cat-calling in the halls?
Are any keys sticking on your keyboard?
All I see is ******* when you type it.
There are actually limits to what you can bring into/out of a country.
I remember learning a bladder begins to spasm at 600mL, so we could actually use this spastic pressure to help us levitate. In this paper, I propose…
Will the density of my pee affect this?
When I was a kid we won second in a general mills national contest for “a treasure chest of games.” They sent us a cardboard board with plastic pieces and like 4 games on it. Someone sued based on the commercial, and we got some cereal coupons.
Many years later, I won like 3rd in a Mountain Dew cap contest. They actually sent me the snow board - no binding or anything, but Mountain Dew has integrity.
I have a couple good rules of thumb.
What are the experts saying? Not the loud people, the experts. Incredible news would have them talking.
Would the reverse of an idea also be true? If the president is responsible for high gas prices, do people agree he’d be responsible for low ones?
Does the idea try to make me feel? If there’s clear emotional intent in a story, the facts are probably being shaped to fit the narrative.
Do I see evidence of the widespread problem here? Should I? I remember an article about a couple who flew short hops across the US, and they said at every stop the story was “things are horrible everywhere, we’re just lucky they’re good here.”
Do I hear people using the same talking points, but they get confused when you ask for details? Often this is a story made to make you feel, not think.
They’re a lot like american seperatists, but with a large bank roller behind them (russia).
I agree with both of you in principle, but who really had N Korea troops in meat wave assaults on their 2024 bingo cards?
Did you… “sign the minerals deal” after, as the kids say these days?