tl;dr a skill issue
tl;dr a skill issue
Do people still debate about systemd?
Wine Is Naturally an Emulator
As I understood this is some remote running layer, while WINE is an emulator.
I somewhat doubt that a company counts illegal viewers and charges more for ads because of them. So the actual broadcaster probably gets nothing.
This is the way.
Same. There are anyway much more games than one can find time to play them.
You didn’t answer the question. Your behavior is toxic.
So that’s why this figure is not in the title. Sharing such posts is disrespectful towards the community.
A wrecked bootloader is not a problem, but a lesson to keep a usb drive to be able to chroot.
Should’ve installed Intel.
A random gif with a cute cat or a dog would be nice.
Our brains don’t think in terms of statistics, we are very bad at numbers. That’s a scientific fact, see Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking, Fast and Slow”. So to say that if 20% of the world prison population is located in the US then it’s normal to think about the US when you hear “solidarity confinement” is plain wrong. There’s no media bias like with school shootings either, you don’t read about US prisons in European media every week. Even the mainstream US media don’t talk about US prisons much. Somehow you fail to see that in the discussion about Danish and Swedish prisons one should probably consider Danish and Swedish prisons.
The story of yt-dlp and ffmpeg on my raspberry pi.
Or, look at the stars…
Today my horoscope tells me to not use github in particular and avoid compiling any code in general.
This is so satisfying to read lol. The USA-centrism is so annoying, especially prior their elections.