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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2025


  • Sure.

    I’m not sure what the rules are about recommendations of specific providers here as you’ve said but I can certainly write about my experiences with providers

    Emu streams is my current provider and they’re decent. The EPG is complete for us channels but not for some of the foreign stuff or for 4k. They have a pretty extensive vod library but the quality ranges, sometimes it’s 4k but sometimes it’s 480p, mostly 1080p, almost none of it has subtitles (but the channels do). I think they just grabbed shows as they came out and never updated them. Buffering is uncommon but does happen sometimes. I don’t watch sports but my partner does; the Super Bowl 4k stream had lots of buffering but the 1080 stream was perfect and basketball games work fine. Pricing was about 70cad for 7 months when I got it and they accepted paypal and crypto

    I also tried earl hickeys iptv, very similar experience but more issues with buffering and not as many channels. However pricing was extremely attractive, 35gbp for 12mo

    And not via that forum but another provider I found via a private tracker called media solutions that is similar to emu. Less issues with buffering but pricing and most responsive to support via telegram but priciest. I don’t remember the pricing offhand but like $140usd a year or so?

  • I’ve tried 4 iptv providers for long term subs and evaluated a ton more. They’ve all been okay but none were amazing so I keep trying new ones when my sub runs out

    My basic thing is this: if they don’t offer a trial I don’t fuck with them. If the epg is totally fucked or the buffering on channels I watch is atrocious during the trial I don’t bother. If that’s all good I buy a month and see how it goes. I do this because I’m pretty sure some have better servers for trials, or maybe I just got lucky during the trial period, because during the month service goes to shit sometimes. If the month is good I’ll extend it longer

    I’ve never found one with a complete EPG. I’ve found ones with complete epgs for us channels (my current one has this) but international channels, raw 4k streams, etc? They always have no EPG

    https://forum.iptvinsider.org/ is the best forum I’ve found for this but as you’ve said it’s a nightmare to browse and absolute garbage. It does at least have some user reviews but I ultimately don’t trust them too much and go with the above

  • preface: conjecture

    musk and zuckerberg benefit from “othering” a group so that the majority of people get caught up in arguing about the rights of that group. While you’re busy being distracted by that they can push for agendas that benefit their companies and personal wealth, which inherently fuck you over.

    musk does seem to have a personal vendetta as well given his issues with his trans daughter but I truly think this is ancillary to enriching his wealth and power. He also seems to love getting involved in topics that rile people up because deep down he’s a 14 year old reddit troll

    rowling is double down and attention. She has a shit take, posts about it, people call her out. She’s a literal billionaire “beloved author” used to being surrounded by hangers on so being challenged wrecks her shit. Rather than reflect and look at scientific consensus she doubles down on her shit take. Because of people like above this gets her increasing amounts of attention and relevance so her beliefs are reaffirmed and deepened constantly. Now she’s consulted to speak authoritatively on the matter despite having no actual qualification other than being a rich lady who got into twitter arguments about it

    Many of these apply to nobodies as well. Your stupid anti trans neighbor benefits from “othering” someone because it gives them someone to deflect blame onto. For most of American history it was black people, or Hispanic people, sometimes Jews, basically any minority. They also will double down when called out on shit takes and will absolutely respond to attention given for shit takes.

  • Should work. Are you using merged, split, non merged? I’m not really familiar with openemu and just looked at a basic guide really fast. Does version match matter with openemu? I assume so. It def can with mame and you want to ensure your rom and bios came from the proper version set (typically most recent which iirc is 0.274) though tbf this probably doesn’t impact a game like metal slug unless your rom is ancient, which is possible if you got it from a rom site

    Note that if you do get them to run they run poorly. Mame emulates them accurately but they ran poorly on the original hardware. The frame rate counter will read 100% but it will be choppy. This is accurate behavior. You can overclock the emulated cpu which sometimes fixes this but also sometimes breaks the game

  • Is it teflon coated? If so you should be careful. Many of the suggestions here are for increasingly abrasive options which will scratch that coating and cause it to eventually flake off, which means it will get into your food, which definitely not something you want to eat

    On one hand the grease itself is probably not a food safety issue anymore. Similar to a cast iron pan once oil/grease heats enough on a surface it polymerizes and essentially bonds to the surface. This is generally safe unless the oil is exposed to very high temps (beyond what is typically used for cooking) but it looks bad on stuff like sheet pans

    However you do want to be a bit more diligent cleaning as a result. Unlike a cast iron pan where the polymerization layer (seasoning) is generally very smooth this is generally not; it is bumpy and has more nooks and crannies. This means there are more areas where filth and bacteria can be harbored. Not a huge issue, just make sure you clean well.

  • I assume they’re being pragmatic. Appealing the us to remove copyright is a fools errand. Appealing to shorten the length of the prection period is too frankly given the nature of corporate protectionism but it’s far more likely than America ever entertaining the idea of free information, regardless of the benefits that could ensue. Think of the shareholders! And yourself! Gotta hang that carrot in front of you. What if you finally write that novel and it blows up! I know you secretly want to be a multimillionaire! No one just makes art or has passion to study and document something without financial gain, that’s dumb. Ignore all those forum posts where people do exactly that

  • I just have them on a usb stick with a copy on the array as well so they can also be checked for bitrot. Even doing it for every file it’s not that much data and it’s scripted so it’s done pretty continuously (I do it weekly).

    Actual file backups are what I store off site. 2 copies, one here and one off. My data generally isn’t changed all that much so I don’t bother continually backing up most directories. Like it doesn’t make sense to have 30 backups of my tv folder with my shows. They’re the same shows. I have some redundancy, I don’t just do one and done, but tape media is expensive so I don’t do like monthly backups either. Tape is wildly impractical for most home users though and offsite with tape means you need a trusted place to put it that’s reasonably safe and of moderately decent climate/humidity. Though an advantage of tape is that basically no one but the biggest of tech dorks is going to be able to read that data (versus something like leaving an external hard drive or bluray at a friends house. Even if you trust them a LOT they might plug it in. Although encryption exists)

    It’s home data so it’s about balancing what makes sense with what’s cost effective and your risk tolerance

    Some data is crucial of course. My personal documents are backed up far more regularly, like once an hour or so, and that’s where I utilize services like back blaze. My business, which is healthcare oriented, is entirely different and that data is segregated and utilizes backblaze as well as specialized software since it handles PHI and hipaa concerns. That’s backed up pretty much every few minutes.

  • Bitrot sucks

    Zfs protects against this. It historically has been a pain to work with for home users but recently the implementation raidz expansion has made things a lot easier as you can now expand vdevs and increase the size of arrays without doubling the amount of disks.

    This is a potential great option for someone like you who is just starting out but still would require a minimum of 3 disks and the associated hardware. Sucks for people like me though who built arrays lonnnnng before zfs had this feature! It was literally up streamed like less than a year ago, good timing on your part (or maybe bad, maybe it doesn’t work well? I haven’t read much about it tbf but from the small amount I have read it seems to work fine. They worked on it for years)

    Btrfs is also an option for similar reasons as it has built in protections against bitrot. If you read on this there can be a lot of debate about whether it’s actually useful or dangerous. FWIW the consensus seems to be for single drives it’s fine. My array has a separate raid1 array of 2tb nvme drives, these are utilized as much higher speed cache/working storage for the services that run. Eg if a torrent downloads it goes to the nvme first as this storage is much easier to work with than the slow rotational drives that are even slower because they are in a massive array, then later the file is moved to the large array for storage in the middle of the night. Reading from the array is generally not an intensive operation but writing to it can be and a torrent that saturates my gigabit connection sometimes can’t keep up (or other operations that aren’t internet dependent like muxing or transcoding a video file). Anyway, this array has btrfs and has had 0 issues. That said I personally wouldn’t recommend it for raid5/6 and given the nature of this array I don’t care at all about the data on it

    My array has xfs. This doesn’t protect against bitrot. What you can do if you are in this scenario is what I do: once a week I run a plugin that checksums all new files and verifies checksums of old files. If checksums don’t match it warns me. I can then restore the invalid file from backup and investigate for issues (smart errors, bad sata cable, ecc problem with ram, etc). The upside of my xfs array is that I can expand it very easily and storage is maximized. I have 2 parity drives and at any point I can simply pop in another drive and extend the array to be bigger. This was not an option with zfs until about 9 months ago. This is a relatively “dangerous” setup but my array isn’t storing amazing critical data, it’s fully backed up despite that, and despite all of that it’s been going for 6+ years and has survived at least 3 drive failures

    That said my approach is inferior to btrfs and zfs because in this scenario they could revert to snapshot rather than needing to manually restore from backup. One day I will likely rebuild my array with zfs especially now that raidz expansion is complete. I was basically waiting for that

    As always double check everything I say. It is very possible someone will reply and tell me I’m stupid and wrong for several reasons. People can be very passionate about filesystems

  • Yeah I have a 15 drive array.

    You can raid 1 and that’s basically just keeping a constant copy of the drive. A lot of people don’t do this because they want to maximize storage space but if you only have a 2 drive array it’s probably your safest option

    it’s only when you get to 3 (2 drive array + parity) that you have some potential to maximize storage space. Note that here you’re still basically sacrificing the space of an entire drive but now you basically double it and this is more resilient overall because the data is spread out over multiple drives. But it costs more because obviously you need multiple drives

    Keep in mind none of these are back up solutions though. It’s true that when a drive dies in a raid array you can rebuild the data from other drives but it is also true that this operation is extremely stressful and can lead to death of the array. Eg in raid 1 a single drive dies and when adding a new drive the second drive that held the copy of your data starts having sector corruption during rebuild of the new drive, or in raid 2 one of the 3+ drives dies and when you rebuild from parity the parity drive dies for similar reasons. These drives are normally only being accessed occasionally and the rebuild operation is basically seeking to every sector on the drive if you have a lot of data, and often puts the drive under a lot of read operation for a very long period of time (like days) especially if you get very large modern drives (18,20,24tb)

    So either be okay with your data going “poof” or back up your data as well. When I got started I was okay with certain things going “poof”, like pirated media, and would backup essential documents to cloud providers. This was really the only feasible solution because my array is huge (about 200tb with about 100tb used). But now I have tape backup so I back everything up locally although I still back up critical documents to backblaze. Depends on your needs. I am very strict about not wanting to be integrated to google, apple, dropbox, etc. and my media collection is not simply stuff I can retorrent, it’s a lot of custom media I’ve put together the “best” version of to my taste. but to set something up like this either takes a hefty investment or if you’re like me years of trawling ewaste/recycling centers and decommission auctions (and it’s still pricey then but at least my data is on my server and not googles)