recursive_recursion [they/them]

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Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • thanks for the criticism!

    The Gentoo wiki used to be the gold standard, even for non-Gentoo users, but it was an unofficial wiki and a hard-drive crash (if memory serves) killed it with no backups. It was mostly restored with help after that.

    Rip, it would’ve been nice if Gentoo’s docs were better than/highly competitive against Arch’s docs. As a fan of Arch I often refer people over to the Arch Wiki however there are instances when I or my customers encounter incomplete/missing sections that then requires us to scour through SO or other forums for troubleshooting

    By default, Gentoo uses the older sysvinit system

    Weird to put it this way, since Gentoo is well known for its use of OpenRC which is what you’d use instead of systemd. Both are common on Gentoo systems.

    Yeah I also found that really odd as it made me question if I remembered OpenRC being an Init system or not

    I’m stopping here - the whole article feels off, perhaps it’s AI-written?

    it seems likely, although I can’t confirm for sure as I only have hands-on exp with Arch either way

    I’d recommend finding a better source.

    I’m def gonna have to find better sources👍💯

  • Linus is the head of Linux because he’s trustworthy and acts responsibly (esp more so nowadays than previously)

    If at any point he were to act in a way that tarnishes the trust built behind Linux, I wouldn’t be surprised if fellow maintainers forked Linux just like Redis and decided to put their weight behind the new project

    Same like me or any of the mods or admins here; I would hope my ass gets banned faster than the speed of light if I were to ever act irresponsibly with mod/admin powers

    “Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.” - Uncle Ben