Interesting. Ubuntu/PopOS screenshot tool freezes the screen upon hitting the button. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the cursor feature
Interesting. Ubuntu/PopOS screenshot tool freezes the screen upon hitting the button. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the cursor feature
We’re still talking about the mouse cursor, right?
Doesn’t frequent cleaning of sinuses cause irritation? I believe healthy sinuses should be mostly self cleaning. Of course if you have some long-term condition then it’s different
I don’t see a monospaced version anyway
You probably mean “special interest”. Simplifying, hyperfixation is such a strong fixation on something that you absolutely can’t think about anything else.
Ship of Theseus
I create tables every day for run-of-the-mill stuff that simply doesn’t need a database. No one has time for that.
It seems that your issue isn’t the lack of tables in sheets but no easy way to create a simple db.
If we want to break Microsoft’s monopoly than we can’t do that by reimplementing Microsoft’s monopolistic ecosystem. And that creates the opportunity to correct questionable and arbitrary Microsoft decisions.
People are used to MS Office now but so were they used to typewriters a few decades ago. And if we’re changing OSes we don’t have to stick to one office suite.
DaVinci provides Linux binaries
A fridge and dishwasher! Food safety is such a huge contribution to our health