Screen is great! My favorite though is byobu
, a pretty screen
Screen is great! My favorite though is byobu
, a pretty screen
IIRC they warn people not to use recovery emails if they’re concerned about leaking information, idk why though
In that case why would it be a bad thing to change the name to something else?
If there’s no requirement, maybe openSUSE will just formally politely refuse to change names
I agree that vim forces you to learn before you can use it, but it is possible to learn the bare minimum of vim.
I get by with a very basic understanding of insert mode and the other mode where :q! quits
There is some truth to it. If you are installing a server distro it may not come with nmcli by default. Maybe it will. But good to think about
I really enjoy byobu, especially since it has nice colors and is a mature well supported project
According to my parents I liked colors before I could talk
In my experiments with a similar setup and integrated graphics, full-wayland Kubuntu feels much more responsive than Xorg-Lubuntu, for what it’s worth
Hardy Heron
Phone and keys.
I really need to buy one of those id holders for the back of my phone so I can take my id too.
EDIT: oh, and I guess my wristwatch counts too. It’s a casio.
I also have this problem with tea but not coffee
Coffee. Tea gives me a stomachache. I love the flavor of tea but I never have the willpower to stop steeping it after however many minutes you’re supposed to steep it
Capitalists are always minmaxing …
This seems like not a problem if you turn it off and drain it during the summer. But imo the real LPT is leave the hot water heater on its normal setting and just try not to use the hot water, especially during the day
My basement has mold :(
Water is amazing
But, if the virus is already present in your system, cool and wet conditions can lower the effectiveness of your immune system. Tmyk
I remember