I’m a computer janitor that sometimes streams trying to learn dev https://www.twitch.tv/destide

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m a bazzite user coming from silverblue, Jorge and the team have really done a great job when you think how daunting silverblue can be at first but how accessible the I ublue projects are.

    But I’ll add another point to Garruda because I completely miss judged it. Initially thought yup another edgy gamerz distro but their tools are awesome particularly the btrfs manager.

  • Distros like bazzite have really picked up but they’ll always be niche projects in the eyes of game dev and publishers. Steam os at least can help them realise that Linux isn’t an instant dismiss because they haven’t used it before.

    I have friends in AAA game dev and they all have the same kinda dated idea of Linux being this sweaty crazy programmer distro even though we all play games online together.

    If valve can carry on increasing the market share it’ll definitely help get rid of some stereotypes for Devs which in turn brings more market share.