Not pulling out when I was banging your mom
Not pulling out when I was banging your mom
Me, motherfuckers!
Sasquatch for pres!
I’ll bring some country stank up in the Oval Office, put my giant, hairy feet up on Washington’s desk, and hit anyone that’s an asshole with my cane.
That’s my campaign platform: whacking politicians with a stick
Sorry to inform you that I’m cooler ;)
Nah, it was mostly rote. But, I was reading pretty early, and my family did use a looser form of phonics with all of us. When it was a read-along, they’d point out words that didn’t fit normal phonic rules, and explain a little. Read-alongs were super frequent for us. Daily, for most of my childhood, though I kinda “graduated” into doing the reading somewhere around 3rd grade for the second wave of cousins on one side of the family.
My mom’s family runs high to dedicated readers, so it was always a thing where someone was reading something out loud to share a passage or whatever, even when it wasn’t one of the adults reading to the kids as a group. And all our parents were super into reading to us individually too.
In kindergarten, it was straight into it, no phonics involved at all. But it was still mostly group based reading. First grade, it was individual work, with vocabulary, reading, and writing as parts of the language arts section of class. No phonics, and really no sounding things out at all. My first grade teacher was sweet as all get out, but did not play around with lessons.
It used to be Google scholar. It was pretty easy to find good stuff when I was digging into it. Not sure if it’s still a reliable place though
Ahh, probably the one that gave visuals of bloat and skin slippage.
I’ve seen plenty of dead bodies (did some hospice work, ran across a suicide in the woods, and a few accidents), but I’d never seen that segment of decomp.
It’s both worse than I expected, and somehow not as bad.
Depends on your weird.
I write, so there’s a ton of stuff on decomposition, forensics, and related subject matter that are weird by some standards.
I’ve got stuff on niche mythology too, for the same reason. Along with that is stuff on modern paganism, syncretic religions, and related subjects. Again, weird by some standards.
But I tend to think the morbid stuff is what would catch most people by surprise.
Nah, it’s one of those things where I know everyone has their own way of managing relationship decisions.
It isn’t abusive, it isn’t an out of line way of responding, and it’s a reasonable boundary for a monogamous marriage. It may or may not be a boundary that everyone has, but it isn’t unreasonable.
Now, me? I’m fine with the concept. Me and my wife sometimes travel without each other, and with friends of the “opposite” sex. To us it wouldn’t be an issue. If we didn’t trust each other, we wouldn’t be married.
I might or might not be comfortable with where the resort is though. Some places just aren’t reliably safe for any tourist, much less a naked female tourist, though I doubt a reputable resort is going to be any more unsafe than any hotel in that regard. Those places tend to have decent security.
But, nah, no red flags here. Just a married couple making a decision together.
The only thing one person can do is get armed, get trained, and get ready.
Problem with that kind of stuff is having it not be currently available. You can’t just up and sell a bunch of superconducting cable without someone wondering how you got it. With precious metals, selling off small amounts won’t draw as much attention.
You can, possibly, keep your stash of platinum secret for the rest of your life, claim you made a trade or whatever. Superconducting materials take a lot more backstory to explain not only how you got any, but how you keep getting it. Unless you sell it all at once, which is still going to cause attention, and you end up with the possibility of the funds being frozen or seized.
Since nobody else even has superconducting cable at all (afaik, anyway), you could even end up in deep shit with people wanting the secret bad enough to fuck you up.
Well, the obvious and practical answer is a giant block of some kind of precious metal. Whichever one has enough value per unit of weight that it’s essentially an insane amount of wealth that can fit in a fairly small space. That way, you can have a big brick of whatever it is in your closet, chip off bits and sell them off after a little work shaping them. Gold is the obvious pick, but maybe platinum would be easier to work with in terms of turning into a sellable form.
It partially bypasses the whole thing where you have to figure out how to nicer launder big amounts at once, or worry about flooding a market. You just causing use it to supplement whatever income you have, and have that safety net as needed.
However! This ain’t a practical situation.
Let’s get a little more interesting. Ignore any of the the tricks to try and get infinite uses, that’s no fun.
I think the most fun thing would be a personal flight device that never needs fuel, and protects you from the effects of the flight. Magic carpet, jetpack, not really too hung up on the exact form as long as it’s usable without drawbacks. Like, if it’s a flying carpet, it needs something so bugs and weather aren’t messing up the flight. If it’s a flying car, it would need to be essentially radar proof unless it came with freedom to go anywhere, and could still avoid other flying things
I think what I would want the most is something that can heal though. Just fix any disease, any injury, like that. Not necessarily aging, I don’t want to live forever. I just want to be healthy while I live.
If the object could also extend the life of animals, that would be perfect. To be healthy again, and never lose another companion? That’s worth selling your soul for.
That is epic lol
But that would just kill me!
Ah, you know how it is. You get all frisky, but you forgot to pick up a box. So, your homie pulls theirs off, you turn it inside out and go to it.
Wait! Is rainbow bright an acceptable compromise?
Well, I’ve been faking it by running around naked all the time. Benefit of being half sasquatch.
Isn’t that kinda like borrowing a used condom?
Not that I’m complaining, I’ve done that a few times in emergencies
Okay, got the beard and pony tail, so if I don’t want to be itchy, it’s thigh highs.
Question: are my little pony stockings acceptable, or do they have to be hello kitty themed?
Me and this dame have a date with destiny.
She walked into my place, all long legs and short temper. She asked if I wanted to go and shoot something.
Of course I did. But first, we needed to solve a mystery, the mystery of the French Hen. Why is she sassy? Why is she the boss? Why is she capable of melting hearts with a single bawk? A true femme fatale, dressed in black and wearing a raspberry beret; the kind you find on a pretty chick-en.
Yes, until we could discover what had this hen in such a mood, there would be no shooting, no fighting, no fun.
I suspect the answer lies in biscuits, but dare we risk our fingers to find out?