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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I feel like that’s a stretch, and there’s some important things to consider here.

    People are weird, and can fetishize all sorts of shit. There’s no reasonable way to control say, someone jerking off to pictures of hand models. Or to stop someone shlicking it to your shlubby beer gut at the beach photos you put up on social media if that’s their thing (and I know a woman who’s thing was “straight bears” for a long time).

    But no one has any agency or ability to prevent that. No one has any agency to prevent any random person passing them on the street and then later using that memory plus imagination as cranking fuel.

    For the sake of every individual’s personal sanity, I think it’s important that each and every one of us understand and accept that. Existing in the world is naturally giving up a certain amount of control. This is part of it, as disgusting as it is.

    This is even more the case when you put content out there. Whether through acting in film or other media, creating artwork, posting pictures, etc. Creating content in the current age of the internet is inherently ceding ownership and control over it. The moment it hits the public space, you cannot control what is done with it, and the sooner people can learn to accept that, the better off I think we all will be.

    I understand that feeling of violation to learn that someone has used you purely as an object for arousal.


    Multiple times an ex manually stimulated me to physical arousal and used me as a human dildo. At the time I convinced myself I was into it, because I was a guy. I wasn’t, and while my trauma is relatively minor, it exists.

    That said, there is nuance. This content was not edited, it was merely taken out of the original context. Are we going to prevent news from doing this to prevent using content in ways unintended and unanticipated by the original creators?

    “I’ll know misuse when I see it” is not a sustainable method for evaluating misuse at scale.

    “If it’s clearly being used for erotic purposes” likewise doesn’t work, as defining that line isn’t straightforward. Do we ban reposts of bikini shots?

    This isn’t something that was created for private use that was leaked. It was content made for public consption. Being disgusted with how the public chooses to consume it is your right, but there’s no way to control that.

    Again, I entirely sympathize with the women experiencing this. Being used in this manner is dehumanizing.

    But there’s no stopping it. Best to accept as best you can and ignore it.

  • PowerShell variable names and function names are not case sensitive.

    I understand the conventions of using capitalization of those names having specific meanings in regards to things like constants, but the overwhelming majority of us all use IDEs now with autocomplete.

    Personally, I prefer to use prefixes anyway to denote that info. Works better with segmenting stuff for autocomplete, and has less overhead of deriving non-explicit meaning from stuff like formatting or capitalization choices.

    On top of that, you really shouldn’t be using variables with the same name but different capitalization in the same sections of code anyway. “Did I mean to use $AGE, $Age, or $age here?” God forbid someone come through to enforce standards or something and fuck that all up.

  • Assuming the latest version of OpenOffice doesn’t work for these files…

    My next course of action would be using the Win 10 machine with Word, or a VM with Win10 or 11 and the latest version of Word. Use MASGrave to trick M$ into considering it licensed if you need to.

    Use a Powershell script to interact with Word through the COM object interface and automate opening Word, opening the file, saving it as a different filetype, and closing. Here’s a snippet of Powershell from Reddit for going in the opposite direction (odt to docx) for a single file. I wouldn’t try to do this through Linux, just suck it up and use Windows so you don’t have an extra layer of mess to deal with.

    Going off M$ documentation of the save types enum, I would replace “wdFormatDocumentDefault” in that snippet with wdFormatOpenDocumentText or wdFormatStrictOpenXMLDocument, then test it with a single file to see which gives the output you need.

    Getting all the files of the starting type from a folder can be done using Get-ChildItem. Store those in a variable and use a foreach loop over the initial file list.

  • I waited too, and it was worth it.

    The last… two seasons-ish drop off in terms of pacing ridiculously, which causes the overall plot to suffer as they rush to the finish. There’s also a bunch of stuff about how everything ends that feels cheap because while it’s a believable state for everything to end up in, it isn’t earned or worked towards. The show is usually a slow burn punctuated by the occasional “big shit happens suddenly”, while the final seasons are just speeding along with no time to examine character motivations etc. Stuff that was hinted at previously jumps from “are they hinting that?” straight to “oh, yeah, it’s that. And about 10x the level they hinted at”.

    That said, there’s still a TON of good content in the show up until the end.