Found some very special “make it look hacky” bash in criminal minds.
I upvoted, but the im*ge didn’t load, so I hope that it’s something funny or relevant
And here we see an expert hacker at work, with just a few commands as a root user, they managed to gain root access.
Me when I forget why I’m in a directory, then remember, but forget again
pwd even when the bash prompt tells me where I am
I forget pwd
I‘m in.
We’re home
I’ve told the wife I can’t watch these shows because of how bad the tech always is, and I can’t stop myself from losing suspension of disbelief when something like this happens
The only exception is Mr. Robot. Check this command the main character runs as root:
shred -uz /*
Only show I’ve seen where they show real commands with really damaging effects.
I’m curious what this does, I’ll run it when I get home.
I remember watching the first episode and he brought up a terminal and thinking “here we go” then…“holy shit… Those are real commands”
That and the explanations I was ready to laugh at for being terrible, then… Wait, no, those actually make sense
And it is also great television. For me personally, the best I’ve ever seen. Whoever reads this and hasn’t seen it already: Do it! And watch it all! Some might think season 2 is a little slow (I still liked it), but season 3 is just incredible.
Yeah, I’ll admit I kind of stalled out in season 2 but I’ve meant to go back and finish… It would be easier if my wife liked that sort of TV 😅 I’ll just have to watch it alone 😭
This still makes me laugh:
That should only shred the top level files in the root directory though. Since shred doesn’t do it recursively and doesn’t know what to do with subdirectories.
Do any distros store system critical files at the root directory? It’s all subdirectories on mine. I guess if you were storing important data files in the root directory they would get shredded but that’s really bad practice anyway and I doubt it’s super common.
I have this vague memory of one of the CSIs showing a list of IP addresses with 4-digit octets… I get not wanting to risk using real IP addresses, but at least use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x x
Brooklyn Nine-Nine did an entire episode lampshading this whole thing. (S06E14 for the curious)
How is changing directories “hacking”???
Just keep changing directories and the mainframe will be confused and overwhelmed and tHeN ThE SyStEm cOlLaPsEs, MaN!!!
Who said it was?
You did
Where the fuck do you think?
I don’t know. Tell me.
Well according to you changing directories is “pro Linux hacking”.
But yes let’s keep pretending it’s a big mystery.
Well, since obviously no one ever has, let me introduce you to the concept of “sarcasm”, which everyone else here understood. Just keep getting angry for no reason.
Ah look at the cute little Viewsonic birds on the upper left. :D
That’s some shitty ‘hacking’…
But what makes these shell commands ‘bash’ exactly? Seems like this could be a half-dozen shells.
Also… why are ‘hackers’ always using a shell in some gui program?
Also… why are ‘hackers’ always using a shell in some gui program?
An actual CLI would frighten the windows users watching the show.
“Scary how hackers are always using DOS prompts isn’t it?”
–Confused Windows Viewers
Yeah everyone knows the real way to hack Linux is to do
tree /
Lots of weird looking text output means lots of hacking
Making a new python environment
This guy pythons
I guess I just used bash as deonym for shell. Sry. It was late and I was tired.
Hey no worries, I dunno why I even called that out. Lack of sleep due to back pain and responding to posts at 2am I guess
OMG, they just got root access!!!
I was playing DMC: Devil May Cry (the prequel one) and they used a bunch of mount commands on a screen to show Virgil hacking the network
TBH, on ancient insecure systems that might work.
Not very exciting though
Congratulations! I see you know how to change directories. That’s quite a breakthrough.
ls /root/
I’m in!
Coulda thrown a couple
ls -la
s around and he woulda been goldenI have bash_alias open in another window so you can see:
ls='ls -alph --group-directories-first --color=always'
root='sudo rm -f / \ hunter2'
There’s a website for all your 1337 hax0r needs
at least output dmesg or get htop on the screen or something. you could find it on the internet if you look up commands to look like a hacker and thats not even 30 seconds of effort. i wonder how many other professions cringe at the shitty tv shows about their craft.
We even have an app for it now: apt install hollywood