This isn’t really a resolution kind of a question, it’s more like a question about what you’re looking to do once certain events kick in.

As I’ve been alluding to some people I know, I will be politically mute to the best of my ability once the Inauguration of commander shithead of chief is sworn in. Every news outlet I know, will be blocked and muted. Because I know they’re going to be back to following every breath of Trump and his cronies and I’d like to never hear it again as much as possible.

From there I’m going to be living in an entirely different world, parallel to the real one. Basically saying autopilot is going to manage the real world things and I’m just going to be grasping to escapism.

Anything you have in mind?

    3 months ago

    Going to keep doing what I’m doing now: invest every dollar I can spare and ride the coattails of the rich bastards in charge. Hoping to hit my early retirement number in four-to-eight years and have a lot of time to read, game, and enjoy my life afterward.

    We’ll see, though. Trump failed so spectacularly in his first term that it’s important to keep some cash to the side in case there’s a market crash. Buying stock at 90% discounts in March 2020 and then waiting a few years paid off my student loans.

    For those who don’t know, there are literal ETF’s that follow the investment choices of major legislators, like Nancy Pelosi (ticker: NANC) and Ted Cruz (ticker: KRUZ), so you can, literally, invest legally in our federal legislators’ insider trading.