Basically, I want to synchronously share files betweem iPad and linux PC, mostly just the PDFs (compiled from latex). I don’t want to send files back and forth every time, I want changes on one side to be reflected on the other. I do not need write access from both, it is enough for me to be able to e.g. view from iPad an article written in PC.

Should I just and rely on iCloud? I feel like that’s not ideal from privacy standpoint. Is there better alternatives?

Mayybe it would be great if I could somehow use git for this purpose. Is this possible?

    2 months ago

    Syncthing is probably the best option. It’ll keep a copy on both devices, and can sync any changes made on any device. It’s a direct connection, no intermediary server required.

    Another way, which is a bit round-about, but surprisingly easy: Install Zim Desktop Wiki (a notebook app), enable its built-in web server, and add your PDF to the Zim notebook. From the iPad use the web browser to open your Zim notebook (Assuming both are on the same wi-fi). This is read-only from the iPad, can’t make changes.