I just saw this story and I want to ditch VSCode https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vscode-extensions-with-9-million-installs-pulled-over-security-risks/
I just saw this story and I want to ditch VSCode https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vscode-extensions-with-9-million-installs-pulled-over-security-risks/
I switch between VSCode and Notepad++ depending on what I am doing.
Not sure why you would ditch a program for correctly responding to a security threat.
This. At work i use visual studio ( .net wpf/blazor/maui ) with vscode on the side. At home i use vscodium for my .net/c/c++ work and sometimes notepad++ for other c stuff. Depends if i open 1 file quickly or working on a project
Ditto. I also don’t use off brand plugins. Just the ones I need from major publishers.
Because I’m looking for FOSS right now
Is the closest. It is literally VSCode without the MS telemetry.
Do you mean https://vscodium.com/ ?