I just bought a cool new sweater but once again I’m afraid to wear it because it’s an off-white colour that will stain very easily 😅
I just bought a cool new sweater but once again I’m afraid to wear it because it’s an off-white colour that will stain very easily 😅
If you don’t dry your clothes you won’t have this issue
My dryer broke like 6 years ago, and I just never cared enough to fix it. You can definitely still get permanent stains on line-dried clothes, but I’ll grant that it’s much harder without all the heat. I have one white cotton T-shirt that I’ve been going Ahab on for fucking months. It wasn’t even expensive, I just want to see if I can get the trifecta of mustard/ketchup/fucked up molybdenum disulfide grease stains out.
Live every moment like you’re in a wet T-shirt contest.
I meant hang dry😭