Recently talked to a 90+ year old man in a park in front of his nursing home, guy is a former RC plane enthusiast. Can’t do anything now because of his age, though. Bored all the time, sitting in the park is his highlight.

Thinking of donating an old gaming PC that can somewhat run the Microsoft flight simulator. Would that be a good idea? Can the average 80-90 year old use that at all, just speaking sensorically and motor skill wise?

Are there any other thoughts you have on that idea?

    5 months ago

    It depends on the type of “nursing home” - in a facility catering for more mobile clients, yes, there are some benefits from it and there are actually some good studies on it. The major obstacle is the reduced joint mobility (Arthritis of the fingers) and reduced reaction times. Therefore it would be paramount to use adapted control methods and adapted games.

    In a nursing home that has a clientbase focused on the nursing aspect it’s far more difficult - most clients will be “too far gone” for most aspects of gaming with a regular PC,but there are some studies using adapted devices and therapists to activate patients ressources.