Well, color me surprised when, with my Proton VPN enabled, I still faced a government-mandated MITM attack while attempting to visit 1337x.to
L’accesso al presente sito, che diffondeva illecitamente contenuti protetti dal diritto d’autore, è stato disabilitato in esecuzione di un provvedimento dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni ai sensi del Regolamento di cui alla delibera n. 680/13/CONS
Per maggiori informazioni visiti il sito www.agcom.it"
To be completely honest, I wasn’t aware this was possible when using a VPN. I’ve tried swapping to multiple servers within Proton, but all seem to be returning the same. Is there some commonly known workaround?
I bet this is ops issue. Either the vpn auto selected the fastest server (probably in Italy) of op defaulted to a local server. Op should change server to a country with more lax rules (Netherlands?).
Nope. Swapped to every other server ProtonVPN has. I’m thinking it might be a DNS configuration issue though, because yeah, I don’t understand why a different server wouldn’t end run around this.