Is that one definitely scraping bittorrent DHT? From what I can tell it looks like it used for scraping IPFS DHT via HTTP. Been a bit since I tinkered with IPFS but I do know services exist to scrape the IPFS DHT, this might be one of the backend tools being used for that.
Why not run your own scraper? (probably the simplest) & a cli search utility for it:
Is that one definitely scraping bittorrent DHT? From what I can tell it looks like it used for scraping IPFS DHT via HTTP. Been a bit since I tinkered with IPFS but I do know services exist to scrape the IPFS DHT, this might be one of the backend tools being used for that.
That’s really cool!
I have a few questions
How much configuration is required so that it successfully finds all the high quality torrents?
How long do I need to keep it running to find existing quality torrents?
How resource intensive is the program?
I have a hitch there must be extra steps so make the data reliable but who knows ,
Is this significantly different from the QBitTorrent search engine?