Your home server might have the required bandwidth but not requisite the infra to support server load (hundreds of parallel connections/downloads).
Bandwidth is only one aspect of the problem.
That solves the media distribution related storage issue, but not the CI/CD pipeline infra issue.
Exactly the same rationale as mine.
On Ubuntu, replacing Firefox/Thunderbird snap version with actual deb version.
Remember NOT to store any private data or login to any account as this VM is not hosted on your system.
Use this server just to test out distros quickly.
If you just want to try a Linux distro out, you may use
If you just want to “try it out” and not planning to store any private data then you may try this:
I miss my computer’s performance being held hostage by “Active Protection” feature of Virus scanner!
Flatpak version is not v3 optimized, I think.
It is 🙂
The beauty/advantage of Linux Eco-system is one can pick and choose based on his/her preferences.
GB or MB?
Info at FlatHub -
Here is a screen-shot of latest Thunderbird (ESR) Email client:
It’s really helpful and quite fun.
Thanks OP for sharing.
I’m currently sticking to production branch (550) which seems to be more performant for daily usage.
Setting up Nvidia runtime for rootless Docker containers in Linux.
Resolving port :53 conflict between AdGuardHome (rootless) docker container and Systemd-Resolved.
More important question is - how this nitter instance is still working!!
Rustdesk controversy
The whole discussion on that pull request is extremely sketchy, IMO.
This is exactly what came to my mind while reading through the article.