Have you ever considered not paying attention to what people say back. If it makes you feel better, you can pretend they said good things about what you said.
Yeah. I don’t actually remember anything they might have said though that reminds me: Do you have a good spaghetti recipe? Cause I’m somehow seeing a correlation between people being jerks and spaghetti right now.
Don’t worry, everyone else. We will actually return to the original topic in about 15 minutes.
Have you ever considered not paying attention to what people say back. If it makes you feel better, you can pretend they said good things about what you said.
I have never considered doing that at all. It happens naturally in the middle of conversations.
Yeah. I don’t actually remember anything they might have said though that reminds me: Do you have a good spaghetti recipe? Cause I’m somehow seeing a correlation between people being jerks and spaghetti right now.
Don’t worry, everyone else. We will actually return to the original topic in about 15 minutes.
Lasagna dreams, spaghetti reality.