Nothing speculative about it. The substance of the problem (obstinate, crotchety baby that was blocking useful code) was ignored and Linus instead chose to wrongly focus on Marcan calling out the problem. There’s nothing wrong with people calling out toxic bullshit, and it seemed that social media was necessary for that in this case, yeah.
it was ignored for 5 days, hardly forever. does Linus’ SLA need to be quicker?
making things public loads the issue with political and social pressure making more damage to the project and everyone involved inevitable. it was made more toxic
You are really trying hard to contort things into things I didn’t say.
The people problem is being ignored, and it wasn’t until Linus was made aware of a technical justification for slapping Hellwig down that Linus focused his disapproval away from Marcan, who was rightly calling this out, to the person creating the problem.
And we lost at least three solid R4L devs, of which, Marcan was one, and there’s zero acknowledgement from Linus that fixating on Marcan rightly calling this shit out was wrong.
The people problem of letting obstinate babies block valid code for any non-technical reason still has not been addressed, and this will keep happening until that changes.
so the social media publicity was required to resolve this issue?
do you realise the rust contributor quit after making everything public?
this was a technical issue that took Linus more than a week to check before making a clear decision
what you said is speculative nonsense
Certainly seems that way unfortunately.
you really think Linus would have ignored that email forever?
If the Rust guy hadn’t made a fuss? Absolutely.
Nothing speculative about it. The substance of the problem (obstinate, crotchety baby that was blocking useful code) was ignored and Linus instead chose to wrongly focus on Marcan calling out the problem. There’s nothing wrong with people calling out toxic bullshit, and it seemed that social media was necessary for that in this case, yeah.
it was ignored for 5 days, hardly forever. does Linus’ SLA need to be quicker?
making things public loads the issue with political and social pressure making more damage to the project and everyone involved inevitable. it was made more toxic
the code would have made it in either way
You are really trying hard to contort things into things I didn’t say.
The people problem is being ignored, and it wasn’t until Linus was made aware of a technical justification for slapping Hellwig down that Linus focused his disapproval away from Marcan, who was rightly calling this out, to the person creating the problem.
And we lost at least three solid R4L devs, of which, Marcan was one, and there’s zero acknowledgement from Linus that fixating on Marcan rightly calling this shit out was wrong.
The people problem of letting obstinate babies block valid code for any non-technical reason still has not been addressed, and this will keep happening until that changes.
so now you say nothing has been resolved after all?
social media or not, we still have the:
so when you said
what you meant was, it didn’t do a damn thing
That’s not what any of that means. Your reading comprehension could use some work.
lol well thanks for not explaining yet again
lets just say i agree with the comment next to your initial comment, maybe you can attempt to make your point with them