There are probably lists you can search online but I find that adding /feed or /rss to the URL of a page I want to see updates from does the trick. There is also at least one Firefox add-on that indicates if a page has an RSS feed.
Pick a closed source/cloud-based RSS reader. They usually include a bunch of news/topic-based feeds built in. Not recommended for daily use, but it’s a good way to get started (make your picks then export everything into an app like Read You). From there your list can grow organically.
No OC, but i “read you” on fdroid. Imo its the best option I’ve found for mobile.
On desktop there are a lot of options but i dont have a sigular recomendation.
Where does one find RSS feeds to subscribe to?
I’d like to know myself.
Plenty of blog sites support rss by just adding /index, /feed, /atom to the sites names Example:
So I’ve just been adding them gradually as i encounter blogs i care to read.
There are probably lists you can search online but I find that adding /feed or /rss to the URL of a page I want to see updates from does the trick. There is also at least one Firefox add-on that indicates if a page has an RSS feed.
Normally you can paste the blog url directly into the rss reader and it will find the feed automatically.
Pick a closed source/cloud-based RSS reader. They usually include a bunch of news/topic-based feeds built in. Not recommended for daily use, but it’s a good way to get started (make your picks then export everything into an app like Read You). From there your list can grow organically.