I just saw this story and I want to ditch VSCode https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vscode-extensions-with-9-million-installs-pulled-over-security-risks/
VSCode cuz I couldn’t find a good open source alternative written in c++ or rust that isn’t just a terminal text editor that needs a trillion plugins/configs to run (I would have tried zed if they ever made a version for windows, seems like the most promising ide to vsc)
VSCodium is the best we can get for now it seems.
I’m a webdev and I mainly work with Vanilla JS, React and PHP - I use phpStorm now. Everything mostly works out of the box, it auto-detects my PHP environment, composer install (which is basically just npm for PHP), nice-to-have features like Stylelint and ESLint are also integrated and enable themselves by default if specific config files are found inside a project folder…it’s just nice. Open a project, see it do all of its magic, start to code.
Previously I’ve worked with VSCode and I needed a plugin for every single feature and every plugin had its own settings that you needed to be aware of. It was horrible. I was configuring my own IDE more than I was actually writing code. I get that it’s probably more flexible than phpStorm, but I just don’t have time do dig into plugin settings all of the time - and god forbid I work with a project from another developer and he uses a different extension than me for Stylelint or formatting .md files…
mostly gedit nowadays, but i’m more on the infrastructure side now, grain of salt.
I switch between VSCode and Notepad++ depending on what I am doing.
Not sure why you would ditch a program for correctly responding to a security threat.
This. At work i use visual studio ( .net wpf/blazor/maui ) with vscode on the side. At home i use vscodium for my .net/c/c++ work and sometimes notepad++ for other c stuff. Depends if i open 1 file quickly or working on a project
Because I’m looking for FOSS right now
Is the closest. It is literally VSCode without the MS telemetry.
Do you mean https://vscodium.com/ ?
Ditto. I also don’t use off brand plugins. Just the ones I need from major publishers.
Same. I’ve had a few big config purges and migrations every few years, but I’m always neovim.
I started using Neovide as a frontend so people could follow what I’m doing (it adds animated cursor movement, etc.) I actually found that I really like it and rarely use a terminal to run neovim now.
Neovim (heavily customized configuration) + tmux for me. Switched from Jetbrains IDE and VSCode to this ~5 years ago. I use neovim with every language.
Fast to use, one app for all and I have customized that to my liking and I already spent half of my time in terminal while working anyway. + knowing how to use vim helps a lot when configuring servers remotely.
I use JetBrains IDEs. IntelliJ, Pycharm, Goland, and Webstorm.
I write code every day at my job. I use vim.
It does everything I need it to do, and it works exactly the same way on every system I touch, and functions the same way since I started using it decades ago (aside from being able to use arrow keys now instead of hjkl)
If I HAVE to do any coding on Windows, I use notepad++.
Why not use gvim on Windows? That’s my “IDE” on Windows. Though with modern versions of Windows, trying to run vim in the Command Prompt isn’t a complete disaster like it was in the past.
“IDE” in quotes because I consider vim a text editor, and I don’t try to make it an IDE with a bunch of plugins.
I use emacs for almost everything. It took time to get used to. And some time to configure things. But now I’m just riding off my years old config files and packages I wrote as my use case haven’t changed.
I use python, rust, C, R, jupyter notebook, org mode, latex, markdown, PDFs, xml, org-roam, etc.
Emacs with evil-mode or when I am banging around the console, neovim.
VSCode at work, VSCodium at home
For an actual IDE, Jetbrains. But I rarely need an actual IDE and will just generally use Vim for everything.
Neovim ( not heavilly customized, mostly just lsp+trisitter and mini.nvim for a lot of other stuff ) and tmux ( which is also barelly customized + sesh for sessiond management. Also have it start automatically whem opening my terminal ).
Started using neovim right away when switching to linux back in 2018, started using tmux only last year and it’s a godsend for even just regular terminal work not just with neovim.
I also reccomend for anybody who tries to learn neovim to learn touch typing and get to atleast 60wpm, it’s a big difference.
Pulsar because I am (or at least was and will be, I’ve been a bit absent recently) part of the team developing it. Its a fork of Atom to continue development after GitHub pulled the plug, entirely community developed and focused.
I used and loved Pulsar for a while, it was neat and I enjoyed using it, kudos for your work…
As an ex atom user I’m using Pulsar right now.
Helix. I hate tweaking my ide. I just want to launch it and get to work. Setting up my LSP/formatter/theme is the most i’m willing to put up with and that’s all Helix asks for to be an IDE.